Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Adventure of Jack and Callie

One day not too long ago, coming in from the dark woods was a feline. His name was Jackson. He preferred Jack, though.
Well, Jack was quite a hungry cat. When he happens to get this hungry he can be a voracious creature. He had come out of the woods with his head down. He was disappointed because he couldn’t seem to catch any food. He tried and tried to find himself some grub, but he just couldn’t find anything. He was just on the verge of giving up.
He headed home, empty handed. He needed a little food so it would be able to alleviate his hunger just long enough so that he could keep going. He thought to himself “Maybe I just need to go some place much bigger and better.” Just about that time he heard something behind him as he turned his head back he was stunned. Nothing. He kept on walking, trying to figure out where or what he could do to find something to eat and suddenly heard the same noise again! He was surprised and called out “Is anyone there?” No one answered. By this time, Jack the Cat was extremely suspicious of their being someone or another animal following him.
He just kept on his way, and if he didn’t hear the exact same noise for the third time! This time Jack was very angry and decided to turn around and wait to see what it was that was following him. Well, he waited and again, nothing. He wondered if he was just going crazy. The he finally spoke. “To whoever may be following me, please show yourself.” He waited some more but still, nothing. He turned around and walked a few steps, confused, as to what could be following him. Then about that time a medium-sized dog sprinted in front of Jack the Cat. Jack was mortified. He asked “Were you following me?!” The dog replied, “Yes, you must be Jackson.” “Jack”, he corrected. “How did you know my name?” The dog answered “I had seen you in the woods, hunting for some food. I also seen that you didn’t get anything either.” Jack shook his head and responded “No, I haven’t eaten in days and I’m very hungry.” The dog answered “I’m so sorry to hear that. I may be of help, if you’re interested in some.” Jack’s eyes gleamed with happiness. He asked “You’re willing to help me?” The dog just chuckled a little and answered “Yes of course.”
Jack was overcome with joy. He then asked “How are you going to be of help?” The dog replied, “I know of a place, but it’s far away. They have very good hunting grounds though.” “I’m a very skillful hunter as well and can help you out.” Jack asked “Do you have a name?” The dog replied, “What a very silly question. “Yes of course I have a name.” “My name is Callie.” Jack answered “Nice to meet you Callie.” Callie replied “Nice to meet you also, ‘Jack’”
Jack then asked Callie “When can we go to this hunting ground or whatever you call it?” “I’m starving” Callie replied “Ahh, I see”, looking at him. She then added, “We will leave very soon; it will take us a while to get there though.” Then she left in a flash, without warning at all. Jack the Cat really thought he was going crazy.
Then a few minutes later, Callie returned with a map. Jack was thinking to himself “Why did she need a map for if she’s been there before?” Callie asked Jack “Are you all set and ready to go to this far away ‘voyage’?” Jack answered without thinking or much thought “Yes, let’s go!” So, off they went on a far away quest to search for food.
It took around three and a half hours to arrive. Callie and Jack were extremely hungry and irritable by now. Jack then called out “What kind of food do they have on these grounds?” Callie explained after a moment of collecting her thoughts, “Just about everything you could think of.” “From snakes, fish, and rats.” Jack answered “That sounds great! Let’s go!”
They were on their way hunting on these grounds. Familiar to Callie but a stranger to Jack. Callie went through and showed Jack where all the good spots were to hunt. Then they had decided to split up for a while to see what they could find.
When Jack was finally alone he scurried quickly along the grounds because he had only about an hour to see what all he could find. He was extremely hungry, and it wasn’t long until dusk. He was trying not to lose track of time and he was trying to recall where Callie told him to meet her at. At the giant Oak tree where they first came to the grounds.
After about an hour, Jack had hunted three rats and two snakes. He ate two of the rats due to hunger. Callie was very successful as well. They had kept hunting until night had come and became very tired. They took a nap and decided it was best to head back home. Jack was very happy with everything he caught, and thought his meal was very tasty.
Once they arrived back to more familiar territory, Jack was almost relieved. For he had been longing to be home, but he was suited with the trip and thought it was well worth it and because it was needed. Jack was also very delighted to have met Callie. To him, she was his hero. He would have starved without her helping and taking him to much better hunting grounds. He couldn’t stop thinking her for all of her help.

No title

Sometimes I just want to die
That's not a lie
But when I realize how bad it is to think that I take it back
I've been through some rough shit
I'd rather not think of it
Patience is not my thing
Its the only thing thats keeping me from being sane
I just want to love and be happy
But because I don't have anyone to love I feel crappy
I try to not let it get me down and out
But when I do I just pout
I want someone to want me for me
But the outside matters more to them and thats all they wanna see

Friday, May 29, 2009

I can't believe someone could do this to me...

Can't believe he did this to me.

Honesty is what I'm seeking.

This is just my luck. Being with someone finally, I thought I could actually be happy. Possibly fall in love.

Stupid was I.

Not even 24 hours, it ended.

Doesn't seem to bother him at all. Yeah he apologized.

But saying ''sorry" doesn't fix the hurt, the pain, that I feel inside.

This is just my luck. He didn't really want me as his girl. He fooled me.

All the lies he told me. Will I ever be about to trust him again? Forgive him?

Doubt it. But maybe.

What was I thinking? Going over there with no parental supervision?

He could have done anything to me. Thank the Lord he didn't.

I wasted my first kiss and first make out on him. How stupid can one girl be?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

All the people you'll meet.

I met some really great people tonight. When I least expected it.

After doing a favor for my dad, brother,and 'other' mom which was taping them while they were shooting pool, I went to sit down to review what I had filmed.

I did that for a while and a girl who was sitting at the bar noticed I was sitting by myself motioned for me to come over there to where she was. So I did.

We got to talking and talked for about 3 hours I'd say.
I learned that her and her boyfriend had just moved down here from Indiana and have only been living in North Carolina for 4 months or so.
The more we talked the more I learned about her and vice versa. Of course.

Her boyfriend and I talked for a while and they have been dating for 4 years which is a long time considering their age. I think it's great that they have been dating. Brandi, which is his girlfriend's name told me that he is the love of her life. (:

I told her what was up with me and everything and I told her that I'm tired of being lonely and single and that I've only never had an 'actual' boyfriend besides the one from a one-week summer camp. Which he lived in Florida.

She told me that I was a very beautiful girl and that I looked older than my actual age (I get that a lot anyway about the age part). I told her that I was beginning to become desperate and her boyfriend butted in whenever I said that. He told me to never become desperate or anything like that because all guys mostly want is sex and that body size didn't necessarily matter. A guy would still want me for that. Then he said it isn't good to become so desperate.

She told me that I didn't need anyone like a boyfriend or best friends to be happy. Because they can even bring you down. I understand that. She told me that she didn't even need Atom (her boyfriend) and that she would do just fine without him.

I told her that I just wanted someone and that I wasn't into guys my age much because they weren't that mature. She told me that she understands exactly where I'm coming from because they aren't mature.

She said if you look for love chance are you won't be able to find it. I interrupted her and told her "Oh, I know. I've tried so hard to and haven't had any luck. No guy's interested in me or seems to want me." It's just best to let it find you. Eventually it will happen with time. I sure hope that it will and hope that it will happen soon. Because 16 years is a long time not to have anyone in your life to have that chance to fall in love and be happy with.

Anyways, I'm so glad that I met them two. They have changed my whole outlook on how I see things with this situation.

Sunday, May 3, 2009



I'm tired of this hurt

I'm tired of this pain

But no matter how hard I try it just won't go away

Day after day it gets worse

Sometimes I feel as if I've been cursed

I just want somebody, I just need somebody

Somebody to fall in love with but yet I have nobody

I try my best

All I get is stressed

No one wants to be with me

Even though I'm free

They say that looks aren't all that

Even though I'm a little fat

Personality is key

To me

I'm tired of this hurt

I'm tired of this pain

Would someone please help all of this go away?

Saturday, April 25, 2009


As each day passes, the more depressed and stressed I become.
I try to believe those words that those of importance tell me, as I try my best to believe them.

"Be patient" they say, "Your time is coming." I say "I'm trying."

I really am trying my best to be because after all I'm still young.

Sixteen to be exact.

I keep praying that someday, someday soon someone special will come along. I've been hoping, wishing, praying, pleading,practically begging for someone just to want me.

But still, no one shows any interest at all i me.

I've tried probably all the the tricks in the book to grab the opposite sex's' attention without being 'slutty'.

Still, nothing.

Sometimes I just wanna give up. No, wait. That's all the time.

I've became very desperate, and to any guy who's single and looking, then I'm available. That scares me.

But even those guys didn't and don't seem to want me or have any interest at all in me.

I would just love to know one thing. What's wrong with me?

I'm really beginning to believe that there isn't any fish at all out there for me.

Maybe I'm not meant to even have someone to fall in love with. I don't know?

I'm just tired of this all. Always never having a guy in my life. Seeing and hearing your friends all the time "We're so in love." Then before you know it they break up and find someone else who's interested in them. Just like that.

I admit, I can be a very jealous person. I am extremely jealous of everyone who's dated someone.


Because at least they've had that chance to fall in love and most of all, be happy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sweet 16(:

I'm almost finally 16 years old. I've been waiting for this for a long while now. lol

The freedom to drive and get an actual job to make some cash!

I've heard it before and I know it's true, the old saying "With freedom comes responsibility." I know that and I will be careful when I get that first job and drive by myself.

I'm just concerned because I had considered working at a place that had recently got robbed. A cashier who is 17 years old had gotten shot and had to be airlifted to the hospital. Last I heard they haven't even caught the robber. That scares me a lot. I know that could happen at any place of business but still it's scary knowing that it could have been me or someone close to me instead of him. I can just imagine what everyone who works there is going through right now. Especially the 17 year old who had gotten shot. I'm going to pray for him and his family.

I can't wait until tomorrow though because I will officially be 16 years old. (: Wooohooo! I'm going to have a family dinner at a local restaurant and invite some friends. I don't like to be the center of attention even if it's my own birthday.